Monday, March 1, 2010

iPhoned for Years

Roses are red, violets are blue, apples are green - what about you?

How many of us have a mobile phone collection like this? I do, that’s for sure, and I have never, ever needed to change a battery (nor write my own program, but we’ll come to that later). Maybe, like most people in the world, I found it easier and cheaper to buy a new mobile phone for only 1€.

Now, lets be honest, did we change those phones because they stopped working or because they were no longer supported by the phone companies? No, it is for a much greener reason - they became un-cool.

So before you have another bite at the apple ask yourself this, if you are so concerned with the environment, why do you have your own personal museum of mobile phones? Oh, that’s right, I am sure you recycled them all ;)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Purple Rain turns 25, but are you sure he still wants to see you standing in it?

Dare I say it? Purple Rain is not my favourite Prince song.  Neither is it my favourite album. Maybe this is because I wasn't there at the time. Maybe its because I've heard it 3 billion times (Ironically Joy in repetition is my Purple Rain) or maybe its because it's simply not his best work.

I am sure that the album has paid for many a pair of hand made silk boxer shorts, funny shaped guitars, golden walking sticks and dates with some of the worlds hottest babes, but he too must be bored to death with it by now.  Maybe thats why he, quite controversially, stopped playing it at gigs for a while.  Maybe its why he tried tarnishing the films golden success by following it up with Graffiti Bridge, the worlds worst ever film (sorry, the worlds most misunderstood film).  Or maybe thats why he wrote 22 new albums since!

Yes, 25 years have passed and the album still sounds great, but I find it quite sad that despite those 25 years and the 22 albums they have spawned, people still say, "Prince?  OK, apart from Purple Rain what else has he done?".

So to all of you Prince fanatics that find this article blasphemous, move on and remember - if you stand in the rain for too long you'll never get a sun tan.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Is the King of the Shadows really ready to relinquish his throne?

Buried deep in the catacombs of M lies a soul that is seemingly dying to step into the lime light. Well, that is what he would have us believe after his teaser video which suggested that things were about to change - the M morphing into a human being, trying to escape the arena then finally exploding into a ball of light. Even his first song invites us to "Decouvrir ses catacombes", but I am not too sure he is all the way there yet.

His new website is void of any photography, and even though in his first video we see him dressed in a blue sweater without the M shaped hair cut, the emphasis is still placed on the puppets whose strings he seems destined to pull.

Dont get me wrong, the video is superb and I love the intimacy and delicacy in which we see this fragile King putting on a big show, but I was expecting more of a raw immediate introduction to the man and not a wine-and-dine-date with hours of foreplay.

I get the feeling that the King of the Shadows is just another M behind which he can hide. Leading me to wonder if M is short for Matthieu or Matryoshka Doll.

> Teaser video
> Official website

Monday, June 22, 2009

Light Artists [Lichtfaktor]

Forest from LICHTFAKTOR on Vimeo.

Lichtfaktor, commisioned by Creative Review and Philips, create a brilliant video made up of slow shutter stills that make a stop frame animation !!